It's Not Easy
Music and Lyrics by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn
He has the head of a camel,
the neck of a crocodile
It sounds rather strange
He's both a fish and a mammal
And I hope he'll never change
'Cause it's not easy
To find someone who cares
It's not easy to find magic in pairs
I'm glad I found him
I love him, I won't let him get away
'Cause it's not easy.
You say the head of a camel
The neck of a crocodile
Pete: And the ears of a cow!
It's clear that friends can be different
Yes, I understand you now
It's not easy to find someone who cares
It's not easy to find magic in pairs
Now that you have him, hold him
Treasure him from day to day.
It's so easy.
Life is lollipops and raindrops with the one you love
Someone you can always be with
Argue and agree with
Climb the highest tree with.
It's not easy to share somebody's dream
It gets easy
When you work as a team
You've got to tend it, fan it
That's what I plan to do.
Oh, I had one friend by my side....
Now I have two...
Him and you...
Nora: Him and me...
Both: And it's so easy.
Happiest Home In These
Music and Lyrics by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn
He's gone that-a-way
He's went this-a-way
He's up a tree I think!
Oh Petey, Oh Petey...
Where are you?
Please come back
Oh Petey, Oh Petey...
You're like a son to us
We miss you, We miss you
If I get near him you can bet I won't miss him with this.
I'll cook you cake and gingerbread,
Bring you tea in bed on a tray,
We'll slave while you go fishing
You'll get permission to run and play
These tears oughta show you I care
Come back, by cracky we'll share
The happiest home in these these hills!
Gonna snag him, gag him, drag him through town
Put his head in the river, let the pup drown,
Trap him, strap him, wrap him in a sack. Yeah!
Tie him screaming to a railroad track.
We'll have you sing in chapel
You'll be the apple of Momma's eye
I'll tend to all your sowing and do your mowing
So just rely on me
Dang, we know you're out there
It's late, we're waiting to share
The happiest home in these these hills!
Gonna paw him, claw him, saw him in half,
When he cries out for mercy we'll just laugh,
Beat him, heat him, eat him for dessert. Yeah!
Roast him gently so the flames won't hurt.
We'll swim and you'll go camping
You'll be a champ in your own backyard
Our love is overflowing, it keeps on growin'
You'll sleep good knowing you're home in these hills...
We're gonna string him from a tree
In these hills
We're gonna sting him like a bee
In these hills
We're gonna spill him on his head
In these hills
We're gonna fill him full of lead
In these hills